Algorithm data sets for the bbob-constrained test suite

In the table below, you will find all official algorithm data sets on the bbob-constrained test suite, together with their year of publication, the authors, and related PDFs for each data set. Links to the source code to run the corresponding experiments/algorithms are provided whenever available.

To sort the table, simply click on the table header of the corresponding column.

Note that a manual download of the data is not necessary if you use the displaying results module (cocopp) of COCO.

Algorithm Year Author(s) Dataset Comment
RandomSearch-5 2022 Dufossé tgz source code
AL1-CMA-ES 2022 Dufossé and Atamna tgz CMA-ES with Augmented Lagrangian fitness, pycma version, parameter setting 1 as compared by Dufosse and Atamna for BBOB-2022
AL2-CMA-ES 2022 Dufossé and Atamna tgz CMA-ES with Augmented Lagrangian fitness, pycma version, parameter setting 2 as compared by Dufosse and Atamna for BBOB-2022
AL3-CMA-ES 2022 Dufossé and Atamna tgz CMA-ES with Augmented Lagrangian fitness, pycma version, parameter setting 3 (default) as compared by Dufosse and Atamna for BBOB-2022
AL4-CMA-ES 2022 Dufossé and Atamna tgz CMA-ES with Augmented Lagrangian fitness, pycma version, parameter setting 4 as compared by Dufosse and Atamna for BBOB-2022
BPepsMAg 2022 Hellwig and Beyer tgz Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy with restarts and BIPOP strategy, using up to three different constraint handling techniques, as compared by Hellwig and Beyer for BBOB-2022
COBYLA 2022 Dufossé and Atamna tgz Constrained Optimization BY Linear Approximation (implemented in SciPy as a wrapper around Powell’s fortran code) compared by Dufosse and Atamna for BBOB-2022
epsMAg 2022 Hellwig and Beyer tgz Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy, using up to three different constraint handling techniques, as compared by Hellwig and Beyer for BBOB-2022
fmincon 2022 Hellwig and Beyer tgz default fmincon from Matlab2021b, as compared by Hellwig and Beyer for BBOB-2022